In the Church of the Nazarene, we believe that all Christ-followers are called to minister. We also affirm that Christ calls some to specific and public pastoral ministry, much as He chose and ordained His 12 apostles. When the church, guided by the Holy Spirit, recognizes such a call in a person's life, we assist as that person endeavors to follow where God leads. Ordination of ministers signifies the church's endorsement of the call to a lifetime of ministry. Both women and men may be ordained, and may also be elected to the various places of leadership within the Church of the Nazarene, including the office of pastor.
Each region, district, and local church has an active part to play in the process of helping in discernment and preparation for ministry. On the Intermountain District, those who are in this process are called Ministers in Development, or MIDs. If you believe God is calling you to pastoral ministry in the Church of the Nazarene, please talk with the pastor of your local church and connect with the district to begin the process. The district leadership, especially the Board of Ministry, will partner with you, your local church, and its pastor in preparing, challenging, and mentoring you. We trust you will experience the transforming love and power of God in this process. And, if your journey leads to ordination for ministerial leadership in the church, it will be the role of the district to affirm your call and recommend you for that ordination.
The MID process includes a variety of elements, including educational preparation, licensing, supervised ministry experience, mentoring, and periodic assessments and interviews intended to help along the way. A great place to start is by reading the Guide to Ministerial Preparation and Ordination, which provides a broad overview of the preparation and process on the USA/Canada region. The Intermountain District Minister Development Procedures overview document offers more details specific to this district.
Talk with your pastor about the call you are sensing and Apply for a Local Minister's License with the church board of your local church. This level of licensing normally comes after the pastor and local church leadership have had opportunity to observe your life and ministry involvement over time. (Renewal of licensing must be requested annually.) Upon the granting of a local minister's license, begin connection with the District Board of Ministry also by submitting an Application to Enroll as a Minister in Development. Those two connections -- with the local Church Board and with the district's Board of Ministry -- mark an important start to the process of ministry preparation. Here are some of the other documents that will be helpful along the way:
- Church Board Resource: Granting a Local Minister's License (procedures, form)
- Church Board Resource: Renewing a Local Minister's License (form)
- Application for a District Minister's License (prerequisites, form)
- Church Board Resource: Recommendation for a District Minister's License (form)
- Request for a District Coach (doc)
District Licensed Minister's Annual Report & Interview -- A District Minister's License must be renewed annually (due dates in January), including the requirement of submitting these documents: Application for District Minister's License, recommendation from the local church board, proof of progress in the course of study, and annual Licensed Minister's Report (see year-end reports). All MIDs who apply for an initial license or renewal of license are interviewed each year by members of the District Board of Ministry.
Supervised Ministry Experience
Supervised Ministry Experience (SME) provides opportunities for MIDs to explore ministry in a variety of contexts, and to grow both as a disciple and as a leader through personal reflection and through conversations with others about those experiences. Ideally, the MID will begin with Quad 1 relatively early in the MID process, progressing to Quad 4 over time.